Thursday, March 20, 2008

Fred's Journal - July 1987

July 21, 1987
We had a rain here last night, the first one in a long time. It is really dry. Hope it continues to rain. Carl and I were going on the Mt today but when we got up it was really foggy, so put it off and will try tomorrow. We have a sick calf we need to give a shot to. Will tell you how we make out when we return. We have Ty and Jodi here with us now. They are good kids. They are watching TV. Toni is coming tomorrow. The wind has blown for 5 or 6 days straight. We are sick of it.

July 22, 1987
Just got back from the Mt where we gave a calf a shot. It looks a little better than it did Sunday. I tried to catch it with the rope but the weeds were too tall to throw good. Finally the calf jumped over a big log and fell down. Before it could get up, Carl jumped on it and held it down until we could give it the shot. We also saw a lot of deer, even some big ones. Ty and I are going fishing today down to Paiute Res. Hope we catch a few fish.

July 23, 1987
Just got back from Paiute Lake from a fishing trip. Carl, Phyllis, Ty and I went and had only fair luck. I got three, Ty got two and Carl and Phyllis each got one. They were good fish, one or two were 3 ½ lbs which is a good fish for this country. We will eat them soon. When we got home Toni was here from Idaho. She came last night. Hope she can stay for some time. The wind hasn’t been so bad today.

July 24, 1987
Today has been a very good day, nothing at all to do but wait for 6:00 to come – at this time the Parade and Raids will start. They also will have a pot luck dinner for all. It turned out very good and I got too full as usual. The 24th used to be the best holiday of the summer, but now it seems everyone is too busy to have a good one. Maybe next year.

July 25, 1987

I went out to Cedar Mt today. The sky was cloudy and quite cool, so had a good ride. Saw the cows and 2 bulls. It’s so dry out there all the feed is brown and like wire. I really hope next year is better. I haven’t the heart to go up to the filed and see the crops up there. They are nothing.

July 26 1987
It was a partly cloudy day today with no storm. It was going to rain, but didn’t. Maybe tomorrow? Went to church which was pretty good. It was Testimony meeting. We had two missionaries come home in the last few days. One was Keith Baker and the other David Condie, President’s Condie’s son. I am going on the Mt in the morning. Some of our cows are in Otto’s place, so will go up and get them out. The calf we have been giving shots to died, so no more shots.

July 27, 1987
I started on the Mt about 6:00 and was up there around 8:30. It takes about two and a half hours. I found the cows. Three were in Otto’s. Wish we could keep them in our place. Saw quite a few deer, three or four big bucks. Saw the dead calf at the spring, then came home. The gate by the old Johnson cabin was left open again.

July 28, 1987

Didn’t do much today. Just sat around and tried to fresh up. Riding a horse on the Mt seems to give me out. Went out to Wif Bennett’s to help Delma pick a few apples for canning. It started to cloud up and looked like rain, but then didn’t. It’s dry.

July 29, 1987
It’s a pretty day today, only a few clouds with a promise of being hot later on. Hope it rains. We are going fishing today. Hope to get a few fish. We will sleep in the truck tonight and fish early in the morning. It takes two hours to get to Paiute Res.

July 30, 1987
We went to the Res to fish. Got there around 2:30. Didn’t catch any fish for a long time. Carl and Phyllis go there around 5:00. The fish started biting about 6:00. We each caught one fish before it started to rain. The lightening and thunder was quite bad so we ran for the truck where we sat until after dark. When we went back for the poles, Carl had a 3 lb fish on his line.

July 31, 1987
Today is a good day. Hot and dry for a change. We (that is Carl and I), went to Fillmore to get the fencing from the B.L.M. We got enough for four forties, then went up and pounded a few in the ground in case the wooden pegs were broken off.

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